Wikipedia - SC Popești-Leordeni

Sport Club Popești-Leordeni, commonly known as SC Popești-Leordeni, or simply as Popești-Leordeni, is a Romanian football club based in Popești-Leordeni, Ilfov County. Founded in 2011 as CS Popești-Leordeni the club situated near Bucharest merged in 2013 with the newly promoted club in the Liga III Gloria Cornești, being enrolled directly in the third tier, under the name of Gloria Popești-Leordeni.


Sport Club Popești-Leordeni was founded in 2011 under the name of CS Popești-Leordeni, in order to continue the football tradition in town after the dissolution of more known Inter Gaz București and of Viscofil Popești-Leordeni. After a first year in which the team succeeded to promote from Liga V to Liga IV, followed two years in a row in the fourth tier, but the white and reds missed the Liga III promotion play-off. Eventually, the club found another solution and in 2013 merged with newly promoted club Gloria Cornești, which was absorbed by CS, the new entity being named Gloria Popești-Leordeni.

In 2016 Gloria Popești-Leordeni was renamed as SC Popești-Leordeni.

Gloria Popesti-Leordeni to rumuński klub piłkarski z siedzibą w Popesti-Leordeni, w okręgu Ilfov. Obecnie występuje w Liga II, drugiej lidze rumuńskiej piłki nożnej.

Klub został założony w 2009 roku pod nazwą CS Buftea. W 2017 roku klub przeniósł się do Popesti-Leordeni i zmienił nazwę na Gloria Popesti-Leordeni.

W sezonie 2018/2019 Gloria Popesti-Leordeni zajęła 3. miejsce w Liga III i awansowała do Liga II. W sezonie 2019/2020 zajęła 10. miejsce w Liga II.

Stadionem domowym Glorii Popesti-Leordeni jest Stadionul Comunal Popesti-Leordeni, który może pomieścić 1500 widzów.